Monday, September 12, 2016

This morning those tricky deer were right up on our deck eating acorns...tomorrow we're thinking they'll be sitting in Daddy's recliner when we come down for breakfast!


Then it was off to school. Kai, Mama and Jax walked me down to my classroom.


Mama and I checked out the guys working up on the roof of St. B's today. It was kind of scary!


Then it was off to Trader Joe's...I helped myself to a plum!


Then we went to the library. I did puzzles, Mama and I read books, I looked at the car collections on display and I got to play with Lego's!






Today we learned more about Patriots Day (9/11) at school. We waved our flags because we are patriotic kids!


Before we went to pick Kai and Finn up from school we drove past a house in our neighborhood that Papi is working out and he was there! So we went inside and played for a little while. It was fun to see our Papi!





Then I sat in the back seat of the car, watched a movie and ate popcorn while we sat in the parking lot of St. B's!



We were excited to see Mama waiting for us after school!




When we got home Mama let us help her open up a package that was for us! It's a Lego Advent Calendar!! We can't wait until Christmas so we can open up each door, count down the days until Christmas and build a new lego figurine for each day!! Hooray!





Then Mama let us help her make banana chocolate chip muffins!! We got to do measuring and pouring and I even got to crack the eggs! And we only tasted a tiny little bit. It was really fun helping in the kitchen!





We were so excited when the muffins were done! Mama let us try one out. Boy were they tasty!!


And when I woke up from my nap I got to have some dinner and a muffin too! Yum Yum!!


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