Monday, October 3, 2016

This morning Mama got to check out my "Autumn" poem that was hanging outside my class. She said I did a really great job!


The tents were still up from Fall Festival and we thought it looked like a medieval town. We thought it looked really cool!


This morning I had to wear Daddy's shades because the sun was so bright. 


It was a beautiful day outside so Mama and I spent the morning playing in the yard. We did sand table and water table and the pop up houses and tunnels. Then we came inside so I could have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich lunch. It was a fantastic day hanging out with my Mama!






Then our Grandma came over to see us for a few minutes. I was so happy to see her!




After school we did our homework and then we all went to play outside on this beautiful afternoon!



Then I got to take a bath! I love taking baths all of a sudden. Sometimes these people forget that I'm only 3! I didn't get to take baths as long as my big brothers did!



Mama tried to take a picture of the cool moon tonight. It was kind of a sliver but you could see the big outline of the rest of the moon. It was pretty cool but the picture doesn't really do it justice...


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