Friday, October 14, 2016

This morning when we got to school I saw my friend Maddie. She was a little sad and scared to walk to class. When she saw me she got really happy. I decided to walk Maddie to class. We learned that if we walk to class together then we're both not scared and we can do it without our Moms and Dads. Mama promised that she'll watch me from the top of the hall to make sure that we get there okay and do a good job walking with each other. Mama said she was really proud of me!


Me on the other hand, I walk into class like a pro! And I say hi to all of my classmates and Mrs. Smith. Mama is really proud of what a nice boy I am too!


While the big boys were at school Mama and I went to hang out with Grandma! We played some cards, I only cheated about 85% of the time...We played some Stomp Rocket, then we went outside and I got to feed Mr. Chris' fish! Then we played with the golf balls before heading back to the house to have some lunch and play some more!











Then Mama took me to the toy store to get a special prize for doing a BIG poopie in the toilet. We hope that we'll only go poopie in the toilet from now on or Mama might take my special prize back to the store!! I really liked checking out the special beds and all the fun toys!




I picked out a new Octonauts ocean vehicle and it said on the package that it works in the bathtub too!! That's all I needed to hear! As soon as we got home with my new toy it was into the bath with me! I had to make sure my new toy worked properly!!



I was really excited that Daddy came to pick us up from school today. He had the sun roof open and I loved standing up out of it!


When we got home Mama had a package that came in a big box. So really it was a present for all of us! Mama got a bag as a gift from her friend Lara and we got a big box to play with! We love boxes...




Then it was time for Friday night at the field! Kai and Jax got to run around with friends because I had my practice and scrimmage first!






There was a crazy, hazy full moon tonight. Then it was time for my practice and scrimmage. We had tons of fun. Then the Saints had a game on our field when soccer was over. It was pretty cool to watch those little guys running up and down the field, tackling each other and making plays. I wish I could play football but Mama is totally not on board with it...









When Mama got back from taking Lucy for a walk this is how she found all her boys. Showered and all snuggly and hunkered down with our electronics. It was a great day and time to wind down and go to bed! Let the weekend begin!


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