Saturday, July 28, 2012

This morning I woke up at 5am, went pee pee in the toilet and then went to tell Mommy and Daddy the good news. Mommy and Daddy were very proud of me. Mommy took me back to bed but I couldn't really sleep. So, I decided to get back up and play in my room for a little while, but I needed some company so I headed back to Mommy and Daddy's room. They really didn't feel like playing with me at 6:30 in the morning. Sometimes they're so boring...Then I saw my little brother turn over in his crib and I took that as an indication that he was awake and ready to party! So I ran to his room to see what he was up to. I don't think he was quite awake before I got there but he sure was when I did! I jumped in his crib and we played together for a little while. Then we got bored and decided that Mommy and Daddy weren't going to get any more sleep. It was an early start to our Saturday for sure!



Once it was finally late enough where the rest of the world was up and stores were open we took a family trip to Bed Bath and Beyond. We had fun looking at all the stuff in that store. We even bought a couple of things! In the evening we went to Outback Steak House to meet Nana and Papi for dinner. I ate more of Papi's dinner than he did. I sure am a  hungry little monkey! Kai and I were well behaved and we ate lots of food. Then Papi took us on adventures all around the restaurant and hotel. We saw a wedding and some kids, we saw a big bus and Kai even got a special treat from Papi. I can't wait until I can eat M&M's too!! It sure was a perfect Saturday with my family!!



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