Thursday, July 26, 2012

Today was a super fun adventure. In the morning Finn and I ate breakfast then it was time to get in the car and get on the road. We were headed to see my friend Connor (and Aunt Krisha, Uncle Jay and my friends Leah and Paige). It was a long ride but it was worth it. When we got there we headed over to the pool. The pool was awesome! They had lots of pools to swim in. One had a really big helicopter up above it that sprayed water. One had a pirate ship water slide. One had a crocodile and a big snake and the others were for big kids and big swimmers. Finn and I had so much fun. I swam around like a little fish and Finn played with the twins in the very shallow area.



After pool time we went back to Connors house. Finn took a really long nap and Connor and I played and played. He has lots of cool toys and I think we played with every one of them! We had snacks and watched a cartoon and had a ton of fun.


When I woke up from my nap I got to play some more with the twins and my big brother and Uncle Jay and Aunt Krisha. They had lots of toys to keep me occupied and it was a ton of fun. After dinner Mommy got us all in our pajamas and we headed down the road. We had a great day but we sure did miss Daddy and we needed to get back home to see him. I think he missed us too!  I can't wait to play with them again soon. We had a really good time.



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